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집에서 담그는 디톡막걸리 제조 및 식음방법(영어버전)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 1건 조회 907회 작성일 21-12-07 15:24



영어로 번역된 디톡막걸리 제조 및 식음방법에 대해 알 수 있을까요??



최고관리자님의 댓글

최고관리자 작성일

김치 유산균 막걸리 파우더 만드는 법 - 영어버전 입니다.

How to make and drink Detox Makgeolli at home
1. Fill a container(anything made of pot, stainless steel, or plastic) with 3 liters of bottled water or purified water, and add the powder and stir.(even though the powder is not mixed thoroughly, it will be naturally broken down during the aging process)

2. When fermented at room temperature (20 ~ 30℃) for about 48 hours, the natural makgeolli with Kimchi lactobacillus will be made. Please keep the lid slightly open while being fermented, so that Kimchi lactobacillus can be survived.

3. Keep it refrigerated below 10℃.
Keep it refrigerated after 48 hours fermentation and enjoy it cold.

Please divide the fermented makgeolli into plastic bottles and keep it refrigerated. You will enjoy richer flavor with age.

Caution! As carbon dioxide is generated by microbial activity during aging process (max. one week), please make sure of keeping the lid of container slightly open to aerate. Be careful that the container may burst with gas.

회사소개 이용약관 개인정보처리방침 고객센터
회사명 : 농협회사법인 웰앤뷰(주)
대전본사 : 34704 대전광역시 동구 산내로 1315번길 6-41(낭월동) / 양조장 : 54883 전라북도 전주시 덕진구 추천6길 14(팔복동2가)
통신판매업신고 : 제2019-대전동구 - 0256호
TEL : 042-222-3222
E-MAIL : ceo@wellnbeau.com